how to calm down a hyper dog

1. Understanding Hyperactivity in Dogs

a. Causes of Hyperactivity

Ever wondered why your furry friend can’t seem to sit still? Hyperactivity in dogs can be attributed to various factors. Some dogs are naturally more energetic than others, especially certain breeds like Border Collies or Jack Russell Terriers. However, other factors like lack of exercise, improper training, or even certain dietary choices can contribute to a dog’s hyper behavior.

b. Recognizing the Signs

Identifying a hyper dog isn’t just about observing their energy levels. Look for signs like excessive barking, jumping on people, chasing their tails, or even destructive behavior. Does your dog seem restless even after a long walk? It might be time to explore strategies on how to calm them down.

2. The Role of Exercise

a. Daily Exercise Routines

Exercise is crucial for every dog, not just the hyper ones. A regular walk in the morning or evening can do wonders. But how long should these walks be? For most dogs, 30 minutes to an hour of physical activity is ideal. However, for more energetic breeds, you might need to increase this duration.

b. Fun Activities to Burn Energy

Apart from walks, consider activities like fetch, tug-of-war, or even agility training. Have you ever tried frisbee with your dog? It’s not just fun but also a fantastic way to burn that extra energy!

3. Training Techniques

a. Basic Commands

Training starts with mastering basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “down.” Once your dog understands these, it becomes easier to manage their hyperactivity. Remember, consistency is key. So, how often should you train? Ideally, a few minutes every day.

b. Reward-Based Training

Positive reinforcement works wonders. Every time your dog follows a command or behaves well, reward them with a treat or a pat. Over time, they’ll associate good behavior with rewards, making it easier for you to manage their energy levels.

4. Environmental Adjustments

a. Creating a Calm Space

Dogs, like humans, need a space where they can relax. Consider setting up a quiet corner in your home with their favorite toys and a comfortable bed. Soft music or white noise machines can also help in creating a serene environment.

b. Introducing Calming Toys

There’s a plethora of toys designed to calm dogs. From chew toys to puzzle feeders, introducing these can keep your dog engaged and help reduce their hyperactivity.

5. Dietary Considerations

a. Foods to Avoid

Certain foods can increase your dog’s energy levels. Avoid giving them caffeine, chocolates, or any sugary treats. Instead, opt for natural treats like carrots or apples.

b. Beneficial Supplements

Did you know that Omega-3 fatty acids can help in reducing hyperactivity? Consult your vet before introducing any supplements to ensure they’re safe and beneficial for your pet.

6. Seeking Professional Help

a. When to Consult a Vet

If you’ve tried multiple strategies and still struggle with your dog’s hyperactivity, it might be time to consult a vet. They can offer insights, rule out medical issues, or even recommend a suitable training program.

  • Medical Reasons for Hyperactivity: Some dogs may exhibit hyperactive behavior due to medical conditions such as thyroid problems, neurological disorders, or even allergies. It’s essential to rule out these possibilities before considering behavioral interventions.
  • Medication and Supplements: In some cases, vets might prescribe medication to help calm hyperactive dogs. Natural supplements, like CBD oil or calming chews with chamomile and tryptophan, can also be beneficial. Always consult with your vet before giving any new supplements to your dog.

b. Hiring a Dog Trainer

Sometimes, an expert’s touch is needed. Hiring a professional dog trainer can provide tailored solutions to manage your dog’s energy levels effectively.

7. Giving Them a Hobby

Just like humans, dogs can benefit from having a hobby or a regular activity they enjoy. Engaging your dog in stimulating activities can redirect their hyper energy in a positive direction.

  • Interactive Toys: Toys that dispense treats or require problem-solving can keep your dog engaged for hours. Examples include puzzle toys, treat-dispensing balls, and toys where they have to figure out how to get a treat.
  • Training and Tricks: Teaching your dog new tricks or commands can be a great way to engage their mind. Whether it’s a simple ‘sit’ or a more complex trick like ‘play dead,’ training sessions can be both fun and tiring for your pup.
  • Agility Training: For dogs with lots of energy, agility training can be an excellent outlet. Navigating through obstacle courses not only burns energy but also improves their focus and discipline.

8. The Importance of Creating a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine. Knowing what to expect and when can have a calming effect on even the most hyperactive dogs.

  • Consistent Meal Times: Feeding your dog at the same times every day can create a sense of security. It also helps regulate their energy levels throughout the day.
  • Scheduled Play and Rest Times: Setting specific times for play and rest can help manage your dog’s energy. For instance, a play session in the morning and a quiet time after can set the tone for the day.
  • Routine Walks: Regular walks, preferably at the same times daily, not only help burn energy but also provide mental stimulation. The sights, sounds, and smells during a walk can tire out a dog as much as physical play.



How do you calm a hyper dog fast?
For immediate results, try redirecting their energy with a quick game of fetch or tug-of-war. If indoors, lead them to a quiet space and give them a calming toy or treat. Deep pressure, like wrapping them in a blanket or using a weighted vest, can also help soothe them quickly.

Why is my dog so hyper and crazy?
Dogs can exhibit hyper behavior for various reasons. It could be due to their breed, lack of exercise, dietary choices, or even boredom. Sometimes, it’s just their natural temperament. However, sudden hyperactivity can also indicate medical issues, so it’s essential to monitor any abrupt changes in behavior.

How can I calm my hyper dog naturally?
Natural methods include providing them with regular exercise, using calming herbs like chamomile or lavender (consult with a vet first), and offering chew toys or puzzle feeders to engage them. Creating a calm environment with soft music or white noise can also help.

How do you calm an overstimulated dog?
Overstimulation can be due to sensory overload. If your dog seems overstimulated, remove them from the stimulating environment. Lead them to a quiet space, speak to them in a soft tone, and offer a familiar toy or treat. It’s essential to give them time to decompress and not force interactions until they’ve calmed down.

How often should I exercise my hyper dog?
Ideally, hyper dogs should get at least an hour of exercise daily. This can be split into multiple sessions throughout the day.

Are there any specific breeds prone to hyperactivity?
Breeds like Border Collies, Jack Russell Terriers, and Siberian Huskies are naturally more energetic.

Can diet influence my dog’s behavior?
Absolutely! Avoiding caffeine and sugary treats while incorporating natural treats can make a difference.

How long does it take to train a hyper dog?
With consistency, you should notice improvements in a few weeks. However, every dog is different, so patience is key.

Are calming toys effective?
Yes, calming toys can distract and engage dogs, reducing their hyperactive tendencies.

When should I seek professional help for my hyper dog?
If you’ve tried multiple strategies without success, it’s advisable to consult a vet or hire a professional dog trainer.

What age are dogs most hyper?
Dogs are generally most hyper during their puppy stage, which is from birth up to 6 months. This is the time when they’re curious about everything and have a lot of energy to explore their surroundings.

What age do dogs fully calm down?
Most dogs start to calm down around the age of 2 to 3 years. However, this can vary based on breed, training, and individual temperament. Some breeds, especially high-energy ones, may take longer to mellow out.

What is the hardest stage of a dog?
The adolescent stage, which is roughly from 6 months to 2 years, is often considered the most challenging. During this time, dogs go through a rebellious phase, much like human teenagers, and may test boundaries and exhibit stubborn behavior.

At what age are dogs most disobedient?
Dogs are typically most disobedient during their adolescent stage, around 6 months to 2 years of age. This is when they’re exploring their independence and might challenge authority or forget previously learned commands.

Welcoming a new puppy into your home brings joy, laughter, and a sense of responsibility. As your furry friend grows, one essential skill to develop is leash training. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, providing valuable tips, step-by-step instructions, and expert advice to make leash training a positive and rewarding experience for both you and your puppy.

Table of Contents

  1. The Importance of Leash Training
  2. Getting Started with Leash Training 2.1. Choosing the Right Leash and Collar 2.2. Introducing Your Puppy to the Leash
  3. Establishing Positive Associations 3.1. Treat-Based Rewards 3.2. Positive Reinforcement
  4. Step-by-Step Leash Training Process 4.1. Begin Indoors 4.2. Mastering Basic Commands 4.3. Gradually Introduce Distractions 4.4. Outdoor Adventures
  5. Common Challenges and Troubleshooting 5.1. Pulling on the Leash 5.2. Reactivity towards Other Dogs 5.3. Fear of the Leash
  6. Patience and Consistency: Keys to Success
  7. Conclusion


  1. The Importance Of Leash Training

Leash training is a crucial skill that allows you to safely and responsibly take your puppy out for walks. It not only ensures their physical exercise but also helps in developing their social skills and discipline. Leash training builds trust between you and your puppy, fosters a strong bond, and establishes you as their leader.

  1. Getting Started with Leash Training

2.1. Choosing the Right Leash and Collar

Selecting the appropriate leash and collar is the first step in leash training. Opt for a lightweight leash that is comfortable to hold and has a secure attachment to your puppy’s collar or harness. Consider using a flat collar, a martingale collar, or a harness depending on your puppy’s size and breed.

2.2. Introducing Your Puppy to the Leash

Introduce the leash to your puppy in a positive and gentle manner. Allow them to sniff and investigate it before attaching it to their collar. Gradually increase the time your puppy spends wearing the leash, praising and rewarding them for their calm behavior.

  1. Establishing Positive Associations

3.1. Treat-Based Rewards

Using treats as rewards during leash training is a powerful motivator. Choose small, soft treats that your puppy loves, and offer them as a reward for walking calmly beside you. Gradually reduce the frequency of treats as your puppy becomes more comfortable with the leash.

3.2. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is key to successful leash training. Praise your puppy enthusiastically when they exhibit desired behaviors, such as walking without pulling or sitting when asked. Use a cheerful tone and incorporate petting and play as additional forms of positive reinforcement.

leash training puppy

  1. Step-by-Step Leash Training Process

4.1. Begin Indoors

Start the training process indoors, in a calm and familiar environment. Attach the leash to your puppy’s collar and allow them to walk around freely while keeping a loose grip on the leash. Use treats and praise to encourage them to follow you and stay close.

4.2. Mastering Basic Commands

Teach your puppy basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” These commands will come in handy during leash training and help establish control and obedience. Practice these commands indoors before moving on to outdoor training sessions.

4.3. Gradually Introduce Distractions

Once your puppy is comfortable walking indoors, gradually introduce mild distractions such as toys or low-level noises. Maintain their focus and reward them for maintaining good leash manners. Slowly increase the difficulty of distractions over time.

4.4. Outdoor Adventures

When your puppy is ready, take the training outdoors to more challenging environments. Begin in a quiet area with minimal distractions and gradually progress to busier streets or parks. Stay patient and reinforce positive behaviors consistently.

  1. Common Challenges and Troubleshooting

5.1. Pulling on the Leash

If your puppy starts pulling on the leash, stop walking and stand still. Wait for them to calm down before resuming. Alternatively, change direction abruptly to redirect their attention and discourage pulling. Consistency and positive reinforcement will help overcome this challenge.

5.2. Reactivity towards Other Dogs

Some puppies may display reactivity towards other dogs while on a leash. Utilize positive reinforcement to redirect their focus and reward calm behavior. Seek professional guidance if the reactivity persists or becomes a safety concern.

5.3. Fear of the Leash

If your puppy shows fear or anxiety towards the leash, take a step back and reintroduce it gradually. Associate the leash with positive experiences by providing treats, praise, and playtime during leash-related activities.

  1. Patience and Consistency: Keys to Success

Leash training takes time and dedication. Be patient with your puppy and remain consistent in your training methods. Celebrate small victories and remember that every step forward is progress. Your puppy will learn and adapt with time, so stay positive and supportive throughout the journey.


Leash training is an essential skill that allows you and your puppy to explore the world together safely. With the right techniques and consistent training, you can establish a strong bond, ensure your puppy’s safety, and enjoy stress-free walks. Remember to prioritize positive reinforcement, be patient, and address any challenges that may arise. Leash training is an investment that will benefit both you and your furry friend for years to come. So, grab your leash, put on your walking shoes, and embark on an exciting journey of exploration and companionship!


  1. Why is leash training important for my puppy?
    • Leash training is important for your puppy as it allows you to safely take them out for walks, ensuring their physical exercise and socialization. It also helps in building trust, establishing discipline, and fostering a strong bond between you and your puppy.
  2. What should I consider when choosing a leash and collar for leash training?
    • When choosing a leash and collar, opt for a lightweight leash that is comfortable to hold and has a secure attachment to your puppy’s collar or harness. Consider using a flat collar, a martingale collar, or a harness based on your puppy’s size and breed.
  3. How do I introduce my puppy to the leash?
    • Introduce the leash to your puppy in a positive and gentle manner. Allow them to sniff and investigate it before attaching it to their collar. Gradually increase the time your puppy spends wearing the leash, praising and rewarding them for their calm behavior.
  4. What are treat-based rewards in leash training?
    • Treat-based rewards involve using small, soft treats that your puppy loves as a motivator during leash training. Offer treats as a reward for walking calmly beside you, gradually reducing their frequency as your puppy becomes more comfortable with the leash.
  5. How can I use positive reinforcement in leash training?
    • Positive reinforcement is crucial for successful leash training. Praise your puppy enthusiastically when they exhibit desired behaviors such as walking without pulling or sitting when asked. Use a cheerful tone and incorporate petting and play as additional forms of positive reinforcement.
  6. What is the step-by-step process for leash training?
    • The step-by-step leash training process involves starting indoors in a calm environment, attaching the leash and allowing your puppy to walk freely while keeping a loose grip. Then, teach them basic commands, gradually introduce distractions, and eventually move on to outdoor training sessions in more challenging environments.
  7. How can I overcome common challenges like pulling on the leash or reactivity towards other dogs?
    • To address pulling on the leash, stop walking and stand still when your puppy pulls. Wait for them to calm down before resuming or change direction abruptly to redirect their attention. For reactivity towards other dogs, use positive reinforcement to redirect focus and reward calm behavior. Seek professional guidance if needed.
  8. What should I do if my puppy is afraid of the leash?
    • If your puppy shows fear or anxiety towards the leash, take a step back and reintroduce it gradually. Associate the leash with positive experiences by providing treats, praise, and playtime during leash-related activities.
  9. What are the keys to success in leash training?
    • Patience and consistency are the keys to success in leash training. Be patient with your puppy, remain consistent in your training methods, and celebrate small victories. Stay positive, supportive, and address any challenges that may arise.
  10. How can leash training benefit me and my puppy?
    • Leash training benefits both you and your puppy by allowing you to explore the world together safely. It establishes a strong bond, ensures your puppy’s safety, and enables stress-free walks. It also promotes socialization, discipline, and a positive relationship between you and your furry friend.

Looking to fast track the process of leash training for your puppy? Give Brain Training For Dogs a try!


It’s no secret that dogs can sometimes be a little high energy. Whether they’re young puppies or older dogs with a lot of pent-up energy, hyperactivity can be a common behavior in many dogs. However, while it’s normal for dogs to have bursts of energy, it’s important to find ways to calm them down when they become too hyper.

Hyperactivity in dogs can manifest in many different ways, such as constant barking, jumping, digging, or destructive behavior. While these behaviors can be cute or even amusing at times, they can also be frustrating and even dangerous if left unchecked. A hyper dog can be difficult to control and may put themselves or others at risk by getting into things they shouldn’t or acting out in inappropriate ways.

In addition to the practical concerns, it’s also important to consider the emotional well-being of a hyper dog. Dogs that are constantly on edge or overexcited can be prone to anxiety and stress, which can lead to more serious behavioral issues down the line. By finding ways to calm a hyper dog, you can help to improve their overall mental and emotional health.

So, why is it important to calm down a hyper dog? Here are a few key reasons:

  • Improved behavior: A calm dog is more likely to behave well and follow commands, making them easier to manage and care for.
  • Increased safety: A calm dog is less likely to get into dangerous situations or cause harm to themselves or others.
  • Better mental and emotional health: A calm dog is less prone to anxiety and stress, which can lead to a happier and healthier overall quality of life.
  • Stronger bond with owner: A calm dog is more likely to be responsive to training and bonding activities, leading to a stronger relationship with their owner.

Now that we’ve established the importance of calming a hyper dog, let’s delve into some specific strategies for doing so. It’s important to note that different dogs may respond better to different techniques, so it may take some trial and error to find what works best for your particular dog. However, with patience and consistency, you should be able to find a solution that helps to calm your hyper dog down.

Identifying the cause of a hyper dog’s behavior is an important first step in finding a solution to calm them down. There are many possible causes of hyperactivity in dogs, and it’s important to consider all of the potential factors in order to effectively address the issue. Here are a few common causes of hyperactivity in dogs:

  • Lack of exercise: One of the most common causes of hyperactivity in dogs is simply not getting enough physical activity. Dogs are naturally active creatures, and they need regular exercise to burn off excess energy and stay healthy. If a dog is not getting enough exercise, they may become hyperactive as a way to release that energy.
  • Boredom: Similarly, dogs that are not mentally stimulated can become hyperactive as a way to pass the time. Dogs need mental as well as physical exercise to stay happy and healthy, and if they don’t have enough to do, they may start acting out in inappropriate ways.
  • Anxiety or stress: Hyperactivity can also be a sign of anxiety or stress in dogs. Dogs that are anxious or stressed may become hyperactive as a way to cope with those feelings.
  • Medical issues: In some cases, hyperactivity may be caused by a medical issue, such as a hormonal imbalance or a neurological disorder. If you suspect that your dog’s hyperactivity may be due to a medical issue, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

So, how do you determine the cause of a hyper dog’s behavior? Here are a few steps you can take:

  • Observe your dog’s behavior: Pay attention to when your dog is most hyperactive, and consider what might be contributing to that behavior. For example, is your dog more hyper after a long period of inactivity, or do they get hyper when they’re around certain people or in certain environments?
  • Keep a diary: It can be helpful to keep a diary of your dog’s behavior, including when they’re most hyperactive and what might be contributing to that behavior. This can help you to identify patterns and potential triggers for your dog’s hyperactivity.
  • Consult with a veterinarian or professional trainer: If you’re having trouble identifying the cause of your dog’s hyperactivity, or if you suspect that there may be a medical issue at play, it may be helpful to consult with a veterinarian or professional trainer. They can provide additional insight and guidance on how to address your dog’s behavior.

Once you have a better understanding of what is causing your dog’s hyperactivity, you can tailor your approach to calming them down. For example, if your dog is not getting enough exercise, you may need to increase the amount of physical activity they get on a daily basis. If your dog is anxious or stressed, you may need to try techniques such as providing a calm, quiet place for them to retreat to or using pheromone diffusers or calming treats. By understanding the root cause of your dog’s hyperactivity, you can take a more targeted and effective approach to calming them down.

Now that you’ve identified the cause of your dog’s hyperactivity, it’s time to start exploring solutions to calm them down. Here are a few specific strategies to try, depending on the identified cause of your dog’s hyperactivity:

  • Increase physical exercise: If your dog is not getting enough exercise, one of the most effective ways to calm them down is to simply give them more physical activity. This can be as simple as taking them for longer walks or hikes, or incorporating more playtime into their daily routine. In addition to burning off excess energy, regular exercise can also help to improve your dog’s overall health and well-being.
  • Provide mental stimulation: In addition to physical exercise, it’s also important to provide mental stimulation for your dog. This can include activities such as puzzle toys, training sessions, or interactive play. By keeping your dog’s brain engaged, you can help to prevent boredom and excess energy.
  • Create a calm environment: If your dog is anxious or stressed, creating a calm and peaceful environment can help to ease their hyperactivity. This can include providing a quiet, peaceful place for your dog to retreat to when they’re feeling overwhelmed, as well as reducing noise and other stimuli in the home.
  • Use calming aids: There are several products on the market that can help to calm a hyper dog, such as pheromone diffusers, calming treats, and calming collars. These products can help to soothe your dog’s nerves and reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Try relaxation techniques: There are several relaxation techniques that you can try with your dog to help calm them down. These can include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation. You can find more information on these techniques and how to incorporate them into your dog’s routine online or by consulting with a professional trainer.
  • Consult with a veterinarian or professional trainer: If you’ve tried the above strategies and your dog’s hyperactivity persists, it may be helpful to consult with a veterinarian or professional trainer for additional guidance. They can provide more specific recommendations based on your dog’s individual needs and behavior.

It’s important to remember that calming a hyper dog can take time and patience. It may take some trial and error to find the strategies that work best for your particular dog, and it’s important to be consistent in your approach. With the right combination of physical exercise, mental stimulation, and relaxation techniques, you should be able to help your hyper dog find a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.

Calming down a hyper dog can be a challenge, and it’s important to remember that progress may not happen overnight. It can take time, patience, and consistency to see improvement in your dog’s behavior. Here are a few key things to keep in mind as you work on calming your hyper dog:

  • Be patient: It’s natural to want to see results quickly, but it’s important to be patient and remember that calming a hyper dog can take time. Some dogs may respond more quickly to certain techniques, while others may take longer to see improvement. It’s important to be patient and give your dog the time they need to adjust to the new strategies you’re using.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to calming a hyper dog. It’s important to consistently implement the strategies you’ve chosen and stick to a routine that helps to calm your dog down. This can include regular exercise and training sessions, as well as creating a consistent environment for your dog.
  • Don’t give up: It can be frustrating to see little or no improvement in your dog’s behavior, but it’s important not to give up. If you’re not seeing the results you want, try to be open to trying new strategies or seeking additional guidance from a veterinarian or professional trainer.
  • Remember that every dog is different: It’s important to remember that every dog is different, and what works for one dog may not work for another. It may take some trial and error to find the strategies that work best for your particular dog, so be open to trying different approaches.
  • Seek professional help if needed: If you’re having trouble calming your hyper dog, or if you’re concerned about your dog’s behavior, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a veterinarian or professional trainer. They can provide additional insights and recommendations based on your dog’s individual needs and behavior.

Overall, the key to calming a hyper dog is patience, consistency, and a willingness to try different strategies.

In conclusion, it’s important to find ways to calm a hyper dog in order to improve their behavior, increase safety, and support their overall mental and emotional well-being. There are many potential causes of hyperactivity in dogs, and it’s important to identify the root cause in order to tailor the most effective approach to calming them down. Strategies for calming a hyper dog may include increasing physical exercise, providing mental stimulation, creating a calm environment, using calming aids, trying relaxation techniques, and being patient and consistent.

If you’re having trouble calming your hyper dog, or if you’re concerned about your dog’s behavior, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a veterinarian or professional trainer. They can provide additional insights and recommendations based on your dog’s individual needs and behavior.

In addition to seeking professional help, there are many resources available online that can provide tips and guidance on how to calm a hyper dog. These can include training and behavior modification guides, as well as forums and communities where you can connect with other dog owners and share experiences and advice. By staying informed and seeking support when needed, you can find the strategies that work best for your particular dog and help them to find a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.


  1. Why is it important to calm down a hyper dog?
  • It is important to calm down a hyper dog to improve their behavior, increase safety, and support their mental and emotional well-being.
  1. What are the potential risks of a hyperactive dog?
  • The potential risks of a hyperactive dog include engaging in destructive behavior, posing risks to themselves or others, and developing more serious behavioral issues.
  1. How can hyperactivity affect a dog’s mental and emotional health?
  • Hyperactivity in dogs can lead to anxiety, stress, and other emotional issues, negatively impacting their overall mental and emotional well-being.
  1. How can calming a hyper dog strengthen the bond with its owner?
  • Calming a hyper dog can strengthen the bond with its owner by making the dog more responsive to training and bonding activities, fostering a stronger relationship.
  1. What are some strategies for calming down a hyper dog?
  • Strategies for calming down a hyper dog may include increasing physical exercise, providing mental stimulation, creating a calm environment, using calming aids, and trying relaxation techniques.
  1. What are common causes of hyperactivity in dogs?
  • Common causes of hyperactivity in dogs include lack of exercise, boredom, anxiety or stress, and medical issues.
  1. How can I determine the cause of my dog’s hyperactivity?
  • You can determine the cause of your dog’s hyperactivity by observing their behavior, keeping a diary, and consulting with a veterinarian or professional trainer if needed.
  1. What steps can I take to identify the cause of my dog’s hyperactive behavior?
  • Steps you can take to identify the cause of your dog’s hyperactive behavior include observing their behavior, noting any patterns or triggers, keeping a diary, and seeking professional guidance if necessary.
  1. When should I consult a veterinarian or professional trainer for help with my hyper dog?
  • You should consult a veterinarian or professional trainer for help with your hyper dog if you’re having difficulty identifying the cause of their hyperactivity or if you suspect a medical issue is involved.
  1. How long does it take to see improvement in a hyper dog’s behavior?
  • The time it takes to see improvement in a hyper dog’s behavior can vary depending on the dog and the strategies being used. It may require time, patience, and consistency to see positive changes.
  1. What should I do if I’m not seeing any improvement in my dog’s behavior?
  • If you’re not seeing any improvement in your dog’s behavior, you can try adjusting your strategies, seeking professional guidance, or consulting with a veterinarian to explore other potential causes or solutions.
  1. Are there any relaxation techniques that can help calm a hyper dog?
  • Yes, there are relaxation techniques that can help calm a hyper dog, such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation. Professional trainers and online resources can provide more information on these techniques.
  1. How important is consistency in calming a hyper dog?
  • Consistency is key when calming a hyper dog. It’s important to consistently implement the strategies chosen and maintain a routine to help the dog adjust and experience lasting effects.
  1. What should I do if the strategies I’m using aren’t working for my dog?
  • If the strategies you’re using aren’t working for your dog, consider trying different approaches or seeking guidance from a veterinarian or professional trainer who can provide tailored recommendations.
  1. Is every dog’s hyperactivity the same, or do different dogs require different approaches?
  • Every dog’s hyperactivity may be different, and different dogs may require different approaches. It may take some trial and error to find the strategies that work best for your specific dog.
  1. When should I seek professional help for my hyperactive dog?
  • You should seek professional help for your hyperactive dog if you’re having difficulty managing their behavior, identifying the cause of their hyperactivity, or if their hyperactivity is causing significant distress or safety concerns.
  1. Where can I find additional resources and support for calming a hyper dog?
  • Additional resources and support for calming a hyper dog can be found through professional trainers, veterinarians, reputable online sources, books, and local dog training classes or clubs.

Where can I board my dog?

Dogs will usually board at a vet, or a pet care facility. In some places, there are boarding facilities that can take in your dog for the night or day. These places typically have amenities such as water bowls and food dishes to make your pet feel at home while you’re away. Some people may not have access to any of these boarding facilities and may have to resort to “dog-sitting” their pets while they’re away from home.

In the past, it was common for people to board their dogs at kennels or vet offices when on vacation. But now, more people are boarding their dog with a friend or relative. Before deciding where to board your dog, there are a few things you will want to consider. First of all, ask yourself if you are comfortable leaving your pet with someone else for an extended period of time. Secondly, find out what services the facility offers and what it costs to maintain those services – many do not offer free playtime outside of the facility and require that pets be walked on leads while they are outside in order to keep them safe from injury (e.g., due to attacks by other animals).

How do I prepare my dog for boarding?

When preparing your dog for boarding, it is essential to make sure he is up to date with all his vaccinations and has had any necessary medical care. It’s also important to have him examined by a veterinarian before leaving him at the kennel. If you know your dog has never boarded before, research the facility beforehand so you can assess how they will be cared for while there. Some facilities require a phone call every day during their stay while others only need a check-in once a week. Make sure you find out which type of facility you are leaving your pet in and what their policies are before making any reservations.

Will my dog be okay if I board him?

Some people may worry about boarding their pet because they think the animal will not be able to adjust to a new home. However, for many pets boarding is an opportunity for them to have some time away from their owner and explore new places. You can ask your veterinarian or local animal shelter if they offer boarding services in case you need somewhere safe for your dog when you go on vacation. The question of whether or not dogs are able to adjust to being boarded is a common one among pet owners and it’s understandable that many people feel concerned about leaving their dog with strangers, so that he doesn’t get into any trouble while they’re away. A good way of determining the answer to this question is by following these three steps:

1) Determine the type of boarding facility that you are looking at taking your pet to. Not all boarding facilities are created equally, and there are many different factors to consider when determining which one would be the best fit for your pet.

2) Find out how long you will need to board your pet for. Some dogs do better with shorter periods of time away from their owners and others do better with longer ones; pick a range that works for both you and your pup.

3) Check into the reviews of local boarding facilities. The internet is filled with great resources such as websites like Yelp! or Google Reviews where people go in order to leave reviews about businesses in their area including animal boarding facilities.

Can you board a dog with anxiety?

Dogs are a man’s best friend; however, when you’re heading out of town, anxiety can set in and make it difficult to leave your pup. Before you board your dog with a service like or DogVacay, there are a few things to know if he has anxiety. Typically, boarding an anxious dog at a facility is not recommended since the noise and unfamiliar surroundings can worsen his condition. Some dogs with mild anxiety will do well in these situations as long as their owners can spend time with them and provide additional attention during the visit. Whatever type of boarding situation you choose for your pup, be sure that he has been adequately exercised in advance so that his body is tired enough to sleep through most of the night!

Boarding a dog with anxiety is no different than boarding any other dog. The key to success is preparation – taking your time to get your pup used to being away from home, gradually increasing the length of time you leave them alone, and making sure they have plenty of toys, treats and chew items while they’re at the kennel. If your pup has a history of anxiety when left alone at home or in unfamiliar places, it may be worth considering leaving them with a friend or family member who can provide some extra TLC for the duration of the stay.

Many dogs experience anxiety when boarding, so it’s important to find a place that offers an environment as close to home as possible. Look for facilities that offer a variety of amenities like runs, toys and treats. There are many places where you can board your dog. There are boarding kennels that look more like the inside of their house and have all the amenities they need to feel comfortable while away from home.

Is boarding stressful for dogs?

Dogs can experience stress when they are boarded at a kennel. They might feel abandoned or anxious about not knowing what will happen to them. Some dogs do well when left alone with no human interaction, and others require human interaction to feel happy in a boarding situation. If a dog feels stressed while boarding at a kennel, it is important to speak with the staff and see if there is anything that can be done to make the dog more comfortable. Some sources say that dogs can be stressed out in boarding situations because of unfamiliar people, sounds and environments. When this happens, some measures may help reduce some of the stress such as providing food treats as well as toys or blankets from home that smell familiar to them.

If your dog is used to being boarded and if they have separation anxiety. You also need to consider the facility’s location and how often it gets cleaned. If you are worried about your dog getting too stressed, you don’t want them at a place that is too far away from home or doesn’t get cleaned as often. Some places allow dogs to stay with their owners while others may not be able to accommodate other animals on site. When deciding where to board your pet, it is important to do some research on different boarding facilities in the area and make sure that what they offer meets both of your needs for a happy pup!

Will my dog think I abandoned him when I go on vacation?

If you are boarding your dog, you have to know that there is a possibility that he might think you abandoned him. To avoid this from happening, it is best to keep him in his usual place and not show any signs of sadness before leaving. If you are feeling sad about leaving your pet at the kennel, the best thing for you to do is take a moment for yourself and then go back and play with your dog. That way he will not be too bummed out about being left by himself.

Are dogs sad when you board them?

Yes, dogs can be sad when you board them. Dogs are social creatures and rely on their owner for regular affection and attention. They also often depend on their owner to feed them three times a day. When people board their dog in a kennel or with another caregiver, it is likely that the dog will miss its owner and feel abandoned. On the other hand, some owners who board their pets think this is good because it takes care of all the pet’s needs while they are away on vacation or at work.

How much does it cost to board a dog?

If you are looking for a place to board your dog, the average cost is about $100 per week. You might be able to find some deals online, but always make sure that the company you select has a good reputation and its prices are in line with others in your area. The cost of boarding a dog can vary depending on the type of pet boarding services you need and where you are located. The average cost is around $100 per week, but if there is an emergency situation that requires immediate attention then this price may be higher. Some people may choose to pay more for luxury accommodations or daycare services while others might want their pet groomed or walked on a regular basis; these extra fees typically add an additional $25-$50 per service charge each day.


Dogs are the most loving creatures. They are loyal, friendly and playful. A dog owner needs to be mindful of their pet’s needs and provide them with adequate love and care. Dogs need to be taken on walks, played with and given a healthy diet in order for them to live a happy life. However, sometimes it becomes necessary for a dog owner not to have the time or resources needed to maintain their pet’s lifestyle. In these cases boarding can be an option for people who really want their dogs but don’t have the time or money that it takes to take care of them if they live separately from where they work or go school Boarding is when someone else takes care of your dog while you are away from home. Boarding is usually done in kennels but some will come into your home if you’re away on holiday or business trip too long for instance The best place for boarding would depend upon what type of boarding you’re looking for: do you want full-time daycare? Just someone coming by every day? Someone coming by during the weekend? Or would you just like someone coming by once in awhile?


How To Keep a husky busy


Huskies are an amazing dog breed. Strong, smart, playful, and energetic, these dogs truly embody the working dog spirit that their ancestors earned. However, if you are a first-time husky owner, it can be overwhelming to find an outlet for their seemingly endless energy.

So, how can you keep your husky entertained? The first thing that can be done is ensuring that your husky gets lots of exercise. Working dogs have been bred for strength, intelligence, and energy, so it is not surprising that huskies required a lot of exercise to keep them happy. Activities such as training, fetch, or tug of war are always good, along with ensuring that you provide toys for play and recreational chewing to keep your husky entertained. For those who have the facilities or the nice weather to do it, having your husky pull you on a bike or skateboard, or taking them to doggie daycare for an afternoon of socializing is always sure to put that trademark Siberian smile on your husky’s face. In a pinch, you can also set up simple puzzles for your husky to figure out while you are away.

Huskies were bred for pulling heavy sleds over long distances in freezing temperatures. As such, you may be surprised at just how much exercise or interactive tasks it takes to keep your husky entertained. However, it is very important, as a bored husky can quickly become difficult to manage as they try to entertain themselves.

How To Keep Your Husky Entertained

Walk It

The most important thing to keep in mind when you own a husky, is the amount of exercise they need. Without appropriate exercise throughout the day, your husky will quickly lose interest in low energy tasks or training, which can result in disobedient behavior and hyperactivity. Most veterinarians recommend that you give your husky at least one full hour of exercise per day. As a husky owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your husky receives at least this amount to help curb their destructive or escapist tendencies and to make sure that your husky is getting the best care to keep them happy and healthy.

One of the most obvious ways to give your husky the exercise it needs is to simply walk it every day. Since huskies were bred to pull heavy sleds laden with supplies and sometimes multiple human passengers you may find that a one hour walk around your neighborhood just isn’t enough for your husky. If this is the case, you can try adding obstacles to your route. Take your husky through hilly areas, take them to a dog park where your husky can run freely to their heart’s content, or purchase a weighted vest specifically designed to give your husky more exercise over a shorter distance.

Play Fetch

Another way to help your husky exercise and to give them attention is the game of fetch. It may take your husky a bit longer than some other dog breeds to figure out the game, but when they do it can keep them entertained for hours. I go through a step-by-step method of teaching your husky this amazing game in the link above.

Fetch is a great game because your husky gets to engage in near continuous sprints with very short periods of rest, helping to wear them out quicker.

In addition, fetch helps your husky engage with you in a positive way, encouraging them to listen more attentively to your commands.

Here are some great options for playing fetch with your dog — even when you’re not around! Click ‘shop now’ below to get yours.

Teach It To Swim

Swimming is a great way for you to help your husky exercise and keep them entertained. It may take a few tries, but teaching them to love the water is a benefit for you and for your husky.

Swimming provides a full body work out for your husky. Just as we need to keep our feet and arms moving to stay afloat, your husky will expend a lot of energy over a short period of time to keep it aloft in the water.

Some huskies can be nervous to go into the water by nature, but there are many ways to teach your snow dog to love swimming that I talk about here.

Give It Toys

We lead busy lives and unfortunately cannot always be home with our huskies. However, while we are away at work, or out with friends, we can help keep our husky entertained by ensuring that we give our huskies enough toys to keep it entertained.

By providing your husky with safe and entertaining toys, you will be able to keep your dog occupied with an object that you have approved. This means that your husky’s attention will be diverted away from destroying objects or things in your absence.

Give It Lots Of Training

Giving your husky a lot of exercise is a great way to keep your husky entertained, but an important part of owning any dog is training.

When you spend time training your husky, they will naturally focus on you. This focus builds your relationship with your husky and the time spent training will help tire it out. In addition, this time spent with your husky will help make it more responsive to your commands and will help you to keep your husky under control.

When your first start training your husky, you should begin by teaching it the basics. These include sit, stay, and lay down, and should initially be done in an environment where there are very few distractions to help your husky focus. Once your husky listens to these basic commands in a low distraction environment, you should work with your husky in more difficult environments where there are several distractions vying for their attention. If your husky responds to your commands in these difficult environments, you know it is time to advance to harder tasks, such as teaching them to come to you on command.

Give It Puzzles

Huskies are incredibly intelligent animals, which is why it is easy to understand how quickly that they grow bored without a stimulating environment. To help keep them entertained, there are a number of puzzle games that you can buy that are designed to make your husky think in order to receive a reward. I would recommend to get one that is slightly more challenging, knowing that huskies are already quite skilled due to generations of strong working dog breeding.

Click here for a course that will turn your dog into a genius!


Play Tug Of War With It

Tug of war is a fantastic game to play with your husky. As a working breed, they are known to have a strong prey drive that can be used during play. You will likely find that your husky loves to play tug of war, as the action required to play the game is very similar to your husky’s natural instincts as a hunter, and it is a great way to keep their focus.

Use A Dog Walker

If your day is packed and you know you won’t have the time to keep your husky properly entertained, or to give it enough exercise, an alternative is to consider paying a dog walker to do it for you. There are now several apps that you can download that let you book a local dog walker directly on the app. You have the freedom to ensure that your dog is being cared for by a responsible and knowledgeable person, and your husky gets to burn their energy while you work.

Walk It With Other Dogs

Huskies, like most dogs, love to socialize. Going for long walks with your dog can be great, but this activity can be even better if you have a walking partner, or even just another dog to walk alongside them.

By walking it with other dogs, you will find that your husky tires out faster. This is due to their increased excitement and their drive to play and compete with their fellow canines. Though, the most obvious benefit of this activity is helping your husky socialize with other dogs in a productive and energetic environment, which can also encourage your dog to listen more attentively to your commands.

Give It Chew Toys

Many breeds of dog engage in something called recreation chewing. Without a proper toy to focus on, your husky could end up chewing anything from your couch to the wall. There are even some toys that are designed to calm your husky down that you could use to help your dog avoid destructive behaviors and curb their hyperactivity.

Have It Pull You

You can use your husky’s natural desire to pull when you take them out for exercise. Grab a skateboard, roller blades, or a bike and let your husky pull you along on a sidewalk or trail. You will likely find that your husky has far better endurance than you ever could on two feet, so this method of exercise will give them a great work out, and will wear them out much more effectively than a simple walk around the block.

Doggy Daycare

If you do not have the time during the day to entertain your husky, it may be a good idea to consider taking them to a doggy daycare, intended to look after your dog in a fun, social environment.

Things To Consider

Huskies Require A Lot Of Effort

Huskies have been bred to work alongside humans every day in harsh, unforgiving conditions. This means that you are not likely to get a lazy husky that just likes to lay around and watch television. It is important to remember this before taking on the responsibility of owning a husky or a energetic cross breed like a Huskypoo, and if you are unsure that you will be able to spend the amount of time and effort needed to properly care for a husky, you may want to consider a more laid-back breed.


It is important to consider the age of your husky. If you have a young puppy, they will require a lot of attention, but the amount of exercise needed on a daily basis is much less than for an adult dog. Generally, it is recommended that your husky receives approximately 5 minutes of exercise every day per month of age. This limitation is because when puppies are young, their joints and bones are still developing and too much exercise could cause serious injury or even chronic pain for the rest of their lives.

Give It Attention Daily

Huskies are a breed that require daily exercise and attention. If you are determined to get a husky, be prepared to give them your attention and time every day.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? YES!

Well that was quick! The short answer is that yes, dogs can eat watermelon. As with anything you’ll want to be sure you don’t overfeed your pup and remove seeds from any slices that you are giving them to ensure they don’t choke. Seeds can also lead to stomach issues.

Now that this frequently asked question is answered, we can move on to some of the benefits and healthy treats you or your dog sitter can provide your pup. Whether you’re looking to feed your dog a fresh slice, the rind, chopped or frozen treats you’ll be sure to want to watch the videos below. Your dogs will thank you later!

Is Watermelon Good For Dogs? 7 Health Benefits Of Eating Watermelon For Your Dog

[Video Transcription]

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Many fur-parents and dog owners alike are looking forward to summer outings to the shore, camping trips near the lake, or just some good old backyard barbecue. Whatever plans we have this summer, we always nosh on one summer treat – watermelon. Watermelon has been the staple fruit on hot summer days. It is sweet, juicy, and above all, thirst-quenching! Since they grow abundantly in summer, we can enjoy an endless supply. Now you might be thinking, “Can dogs eat watermelon?” Our beloved pets always want a piece of what we have and it can be hard to deny those sad puppy dog eyes. Luckily, the answer is YES! Our canine companions can chow down on some watermelon with us this summer. However, there are a few factors to take into consideration.

Is Watermelon Good for Dogs? 7 Health Benefits

Watermelon is a treasure trove of health benefits for dogs if you are careful about giving it to them.

Watermelon is the perfect chill pill for dogs: We, humans, eat watermelons as a delicious way to simmer down on a hot sunny day and dogs can apply the same principle, too. According to the National Watermelon Promotion Board, watermelon packs 92% water. Thus, it satisfies your dog’s growling tummy and cools him down at the same time.

Eating watermelon helps manage your dog’s weight: Dogs are greedy salivating beasts who are always on a lookout for food! Why not give your dog bite-sized watermelon cubes rather than give him calorie bombs in the form of jerkies and pastries? Since watermelon is loaded with water, it can be very filling to your dog. Most importantly, it has no fat or cholesterol. A cup of watermelon only contains 50 calories, so it is pretty much a guilt-free hydrating treat! Watermelon is fiber-rich Eating watermelon aids in digestion by bulking up your dog’s stool. This promotes peristaltic motion – the movement of food along the intestines. As a result, it relieves your dog from constipation, promotes regular bowel movement, and improves colon health.

Watermelon is a good kind of sweet: While watermelon may contain fructose or fruit sugar, its high fiber content insulates the sugar and prevents the quick release of sugar into the bloodstream. Therefore, diabetic dogs may occasionally enjoy this sweet watery melon.

Watermelon helps improve your dog’s eyesight: Watermelon can help sharpen your dog’s eyesight and lower his risk to blindness, cataracts, and macular degeneration as he ages. This refreshing treat contains beta-carotene that the liver converts into vitamin A.

Watermelon helps fight free radical damage: Watermelon is rich in antioxidants that benefit your dogs in ways aplenty. For one, the antioxidants in watermelon help strengthen your dog’s immune function. It scavenges free radicals that cause cell damage, neurological disorders, diabetes, or even cancer in dogs. The antioxidants in watermelon also help fight inflammation, which is often the root cause of common diseases.

Watermelon helps regulate enzymatic processes: Eating watermelon helps promote hormone production in the thyroid glands. These hormones are essential in growth, development, and energy metabolism of your dog.

Additionally, eating watermelon also helps maintain normal functions of the blood.

How Many Watermelons Can a Dog Eat?

Dogs eating watermelons is the newest Internet trend. In fact, you can find countless videos of watermelon-chomping dogs on YouTube. But before you join the bandwagon and document your dog eating watermelon, you should first seek your veterinarian or nutritionist’s advice. This way you can determine how much watermelon your dog can safely eat. Dogs have different dietary needs and medical conditions. Therefore, you should not copy what others do or say just because.

Side Effects of Too Much Watermelon in Dogs

Just like any food, eating more than what is necessary has its consequences. The following is a list of potential side effects that your dog may experience should you feed him too much watermelon. · Too much watermelon causes constant urination

Can dogs with kidney disease eat watermelon?

Technically, yes but you may want to consult with your vet first to determine your dog’s limit. Watermelon is mostly water and so, it is diuretic in nature. Thus, eating watermelon bounds to make your dog urinate more frequently. While this may seem a small deal for most dogs, senior dogs with renal problems may find this stressful. Unless you want to wake up to a puddle of wee, it is best to limit your dog’s watermelon intake to a minimum. ·

Overfeeding your dog with watermelon may lead to diarrhea.

Fiber sure has its benefits but some dogs have a sensitive stomach and may react negatively if the receive too much fiber in their diet. It is possible that your dog will experience loose stools. That is why you must serve watermelon moderately.

Watermelon Dog Treat Recipe

[Video Transcription]

Guess what we’re doing . . All three of them are looking! (howling intro) We have one panting dog. We have two panting dogs. We have three panting dogs. So since it’s been so warm outside we thought we would make a fun, frozen, watermelon dog treat. So I hope you guys like watermelon cuz i’m not really sure. I think you’ve had it before I think Oakley’s had it before. We’ll find out! Let’s get to it! This is a very easy, simple recipe.

So this is really a super super simple recipe all you need is one cup of either coconut water or coconut milk. We are using unsweetened coconut milk. You need two cups of pureed, seedless watermelon. If you use a seeded watermelon be sure to remove all the seeds and then an optional tablespoon of honey You’ll need some icecube trays, and all the stuff we have here and of course, some dogs. I mean unless you want to eat them yourself, and then I am sure you can. Okay the first thing we are going to do is make a giant mess and cut a watermelon in half. It’s gonna get messy! Please keep your eyes, nose, and ears, away from the table at all times. at least until I am done with the knife. Woah! What is that? Is that amazing? Is that amazing? This is your half. You want some? Oakley would you like to try it? now that you have effectively licked the cucumber? ha! The watermelon? okay there’s a lot of different ways you can do this to get your two cups I have a measuring thing and my actual blennder so I’m just going to scoop it out and put it in the blender and puree it. I should probably find out if the dogs like watermelon.

Well you like watermelon, do you like watermelon? Well you like watermelon! What about you Shelby? How about you Shelby. Shelby’s like Hmmm. She seriously spit it out. You are such a Diva! Do you like watermelon if I dip it in some coconut milk? Here, now it’s dipped in coconut milk, is that better? Nope she spit that out too. Shelby might not like watermelon treats. We’ll find out when they are all done! As you are spooning it out you can see it gets kind of juicy and you can literally just pour the juice in your blender (laugh), so we are going to puree some of this and see how much we have. Maybe. . . We still need more Watermelon Ewwww. Oh my goodness! Bite for you? No that’s for Oakley. Bite for Oakley. Shelby is still sitting here like she wants some, but uh we’ll see. Shelby, you want some? Wanna try it? She spit it out again (laugh)

Alright, now your watermelon puree or juice will look something like that. This is an optional step to add a little bit of honey. but I know my girls like honey so we are going to add about that much. And then we are going to add the 1 cup either coconut milk or coconut water again I’m using unsweetened coconut milk And, mix it together! Probably don’t have to mix it together for very long.

Now comes the super messy part.

I am using silicone ice cube trays you can use silicone ice cube trays, you can use regular ice cube trays, with the silicone ice cube tays though I would suggest putting it on something I actually have mind on a cookie sheet. Cause otherwise when you go to pick these up when they’re full they bend and make a huge mess. So, now we are going to try to figure out how pour this without making huge mess pour a little bit in here. Which will make it much more manageable Man, you dogs are so lucky. just pour it into the icecube trays. and try not to make a giant mess. So now these ones have to freeze. I actually about this much left So I am going to need some more trays. More icecube trays! and we will freeze some more. So now we have the ice cube trays filled, we are going to put these in the freezer. What do you think Memphis? We are going To put them in the freezer and as soon as they’re frozen the girls can try them!

Well the watermelon dog treats are frozen. Maybe Shelby will like one Frozen. Let’s see. What do you think Shelby? She took it and she spit it out. Memphis? Oakley here! Oakley here! Wait you’re not Oakley. Shelby’s eating it! You . . . You didn’t actually eat it, you just licked it. No? So Shelby says no, but apparently Oakley and Memphis say yes. You like them? You like them? They like them. Want to try one more time Shelby? Oh she ate that one! And she didn’t spit it out! Okay so maybe she only likes certain shapes that must be the ticket just certain shapes alright well there you go you guys now you can make frozen watermelon dog treats for you dog’s something nice to keep them cool in the summertime while it’s ridiculously hot outside as always. You wanna try one? I was gonna say, are they bad? No Are the dog treats? They’re dog treats, yes, but they don’t have anything bad in them. can you figure out So the’re for people too Yeah I was gonna say that! Can you figure out what is in them? watermelon? Watermelon and coconut and honey coconut milk watermelon Yeah I know! Yes, yes you can eat them to. You can share them with your daddy. *laugh* Shelby finally ate one She’s like maybe I will eat two. See Shelby, they are good. Nice cool treat! Hey I just gave you one *laugh* Okay I will share another one with you. mmm licking my fingers my fingers taste like watermelon to0 *laugh*

signs of a bad pet sitter picture

Have you ever had a pet sitter that didn’t show up? I’m sure you’ve at least heard of pet sitting stories where they forgot to come or their qualifications turned out to be less than appropriate. In this article we are going to discuss some of the signs of a bad pet sitter so that you can ensure your pet is safe next time you leave them in the care of someone else.

Here are the tell-tale signs of a bad pet sitter:


  • Your pet’s feeding area is messy
  • Your pet is having frequent ‘accidents’ inside your home
  • Your pet sitter has a lack of respect for your property
  • Your pet has unexplained injuries
  • Your pet is increasingly scared or hostile
  • Your pet shows evidence of lack of supervision (being left outside too long)
  • Your pet is thirstier than normal
  • Your pet refuses to eat their regular food
  • Your pet eats everything in sight and/or their food very fast
  • Your pet has an insane amount of energy when you come home
  • Your pet has separation anxiety and/or refuses to leave your side
  • Your pet has changes in its behaviour
  • Your pet doesn’t greet the pet sitter when they come in (or hides)
  • Your pet’s food bag remains full or unopened
  • Your pet sitter provides untimely responses to phone calls and messages
  • Your pet sitter doesn’t provide a free meet and greet
  • Your pet sitter lacks credibility


Your dog/cat’s feeding area is messy


A mess in your pet’s feeding area shows a lack of care from your pet sitter that you would expect. Are you continually noticing dirty water bowls? Would you want to be drinking water that looks like it has been sitting for days? Or filled with hairs and/or dog food?

What about the food bowl? If your pet sitter doesn’t show enough care to clean up the spare pieces of food that your pet has kicked around on the floor, what does that say for the level of overall care they are showing your pet and their home? An unsanitary feeding area for your dog can quickly become a new home for bugs and disgusting smells.

** If you’re in Canada and looking to order dog food online that ships right to your house, signup with Dex Knows Best Dog Food & Supplements!

Your dog is having frequent ‘accidents’ inside your home

Do you continuously come home to carpet stains, or troublesome odors? This is often a sign that your pet hasn’t received a regular potty break or that they were neglected for too long. Symptoms that this is the case with your dog include scratch marks on doors (from trying to attract attention that they need to go outside), as well as the previously mentioned stains and odors.

When cats are unable to access their litter box, or it is unkept, will seek out alternative areas to relieve themselves.

On top of the obvious, regular cleaning duties that result of your pet having accidents inside, it can also lead to bladder and behavioural issues if left unresolved.

Your pet sitter has a lack of respect for your property

If you can’t trust your pet sitter to care for your things while you’re away then they shouldn’t be looking after your pet. If you consistently find that your pet sitter doesn’t respect your rules for taking off their shoes, not inviting other guests into your home it doesn’t bode well for the long-term relationship for both you and your pet. Chances are, if they aren’t respecting your property, they also aren’t respecting your furry best friend — and after all that’s what you’re paying for!

Your pet has unexplained injuries

Animals are curious creatures by nature. They are bound to get a few bumps and bruises along the way. However, if your pet sitter can’t articulate why your dog/cat is limping or has a cut sustained while under their care, this is a sure-fire way to identify that you need to hire a new pet sitter.

Your pet is increasingly scared or hostile

It kind of goes without saying, but we are going to say it anyways. Your pet should get along with your pet sitter! If your pet suddenly shows a pattern of fear or hostility towards you, it’s potentially an indication that your hired help is abusing your pet.

Pet sitters should be making your life easier, making your pet act as if you never left. If that’s not the case, find a new one ASAP!

Your pet shows evidence of lack of supervision (being left outside too long)

Do you come home from a long day of work only to find holes have been dug in your backyard or a destroyed garden? These are more signs that your pet has been on the loose without proper supervision/stimulation from a human presence and they’ve instead resorted to their own devices.

If this type of behaviour is especially uncommon for your pet, you’ll want to raise it with your pet sitter and make sure they aren’t leaving your pet outside for too long. If the activity continues, you’ve found yourself a bad pet sitter. Move on accordingly!

Your pet is thirstier than normal

Is your pet (uncharacteristically) drinking from the toilet bowl? Or downing a full bowl of water before you’ve even got a chance to set it down on the ground?

Both may be signs that your pet isn’t receiving adequate hydration while you’re away. If you’re dog exhibits signs of reduced appetite, lethargy, excessive panting, sunken eyes, dry nose and gums, or low skin elasticity there is a chance they are dehydrated.

Obviously, if your pet sitter is causing your pet to incur illness they are costing you more money and putting your dog’s health at risk.

Your pet refuses to eat their regular food

Has your pet gotten a bit snobbier with their diet lately? It could be due to your pet sitter overfeeding them with treats while you’re away. Obviously treats are meant to be a way to reward good behaviour, but if it comes at the expense of their regular nutrition you will want to cut out this behavior as soon as possible. Otherwise, you’ll be soon be owner to a picky, overweight pet. 

*For a healthy treat you can check out our post on Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Your pet eats everything in sight and/or their food very fast

If your pet is gobbling up an entire bowl of food in record time, it can be a sign that your pet sitter is underfeeding them and/or spacing meals too far apart. Often times this can be due to miscommunication between the owner and pet sitter on the feeding schedule. However, if it becomes a regular occurrence it may be due to negligence on the pet sitter’s part and should be dealt with swiftly.

Your pet has an insane amount of energy when you come home

Typically, pet sitters are there to stimulate and exercise your pet while you can’t be there to do it yourself. If this isn’t the case, you may notice your pet bouncing off the walls because it’s expecting to receive the adequate exercise you expected your pet sitter to provide.

We suggest you provide your pet sitter with effective ways to handle your high-energy dog while you’re away. If you continue to come home to a dog that goes bezerk, seek out a new pet sitter that is capable of keeping your high-energy pet busy.

Your pet has separation anxiety and/or refuses to leave your side

Piggy backing off of the previous sign of a bad pet sitter, if your furry best friend refuses to leave your side, this may be another indicator that you should find new help.

Cats and dogs require certain levels of mental and physical stimulation and they may cry when you leave or refuse to leave your side when you’re there. Chances are they recognize that you are their only source of attention and are clinging on to you because they know they are in for a period of low activity once you do leave.

Your pet has changes in its behaviour

Is your affectionate pet suddenly weary of strangers? Or no longer adheres to a routine that they’ve had for years? This can be an indicator that your pet sitter is altering their usual routine or environment. If you feel that this is negatively impacting both you and your pet’s quality of life be sure to bring it to the pet sitter’s attention.

Your pet doesn’t greet the pet sitter when they come in (or hides)

A great way to really get a sense of the relationship between your pet and the pet sitter is to monitor your pet’s reaction when the pet sitter walks in the door. If your pet runs and hides in their crate this should be an immediate red flag. You can tell your pet likes your sitter if they greet them with lots of tail wiggles and sloppy kisses.  

Negative Pet Sitting Qualifications – Move On Immediately If Your Pet Sitter Has These Traits

Your pet’s food bag remains full or unopened

Either your pet sitter is neglecting to feed your pet while you’re there, or they aren’t even showing up in the first place. Both of which are immediate concerns and obvious signs that you’ve found yourself a poor pet sitter.

It might seem like overkill, but it is definitely worth monitoring these things with security cameras or making note of the change in food levels over time.

Your pet sitter provides untimely responses to phone calls and messages

Lack of communication is one thing that a pet owner should not stand for from their pet sitter. There are plenty of pet sitters out there like (not-so-subtle self promotion) that pride themselves on extremely quick communication. Don’t settle for someone that is flakey and unresponsive. This is a member of your family they are taking care of – if you want updates on every piece of kibble they eat and every potty break, it shouldn’t be a chore for your pet sitter to provide this information!

Your pet sitter doesn’t provide a free meet and greet

If your potential pet sitter doesn’t provide a free meet and greet to get to know your pet, how can you know that they’ll make a good fit for one another? Another reason these meet and greets are so important is that you (the pet owner) can get an indication for their personality and whether or not they are someone you can trust in your home while you’re not there.

Because these have become the industry norm, if your pet sitter doesn’t provide a meet and greet prior to being hired, it’s a surefire way to identify they aren’t experienced and/or professional.


Your pet sitter lacks credibility

Another sign that your pet sitter lacks professionalism, is if they don’t have anything tangible for you as the pet owner to view before hiring them. A pet owner without a website, social media or formal documents such as waivers, contracts or invoices likely is inexperienced. Are you willing to leave your furry best friend in the care of someone that lacks credibility? At the very least browse the web for performance reviews, positive word-of-mouth prior to committing to them long-term.

If you’re interested in hiring a pet sitter in the Kelowna area with proper pet sitting qualifications, be sure to contact us at Tail Waggers. Fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you to arrange a meet and greet.


What to do with bad pet sitters?

Just like a band-aid, it’s best to move on quickly. Your pet’s health and well being isn’t something to be toyed with. Neglecting to take necessary action can have a far-reaching impact on both your psyche (i.e., guilt) and on the happiness and security of your pet.

What’s the best way to find a great pet sitter?

  • Ask your friends for their pet sitter
  • Ask your veterinarian
  • Ask your groomer
  • Google reviews
  • Do your homework (don’t necessarily go for the first pet sitter you find)
    • Prepare questions
    • Ask for references/relevant experience
  • Arrange a meet and greet prior to hiring
  • Get a signed agreement

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How To Teach A Puppy To Not Bite You Bite Inhibition Training


Are you worried that your puppy might be out of normal behavior by being too aggressive and biting every now and then? Worry no more, as this is a common puppy problem, in fact, it is healthy for your puppy to start biting so it can learn to control its jaws and not bite too hard when it’s all grown. Training a puppy to not bite is not that difficult, and you do not need to be a pro to do it.


Well, you are probably wondering how to prevent your puppy from biting in the first place. Puppies can naturally learn from their fellow puppies and their mothers depending on the reaction they get. The puppy’s mother and fellow litter mates teach it not to bite too hard. It’s all fun and games until one puppy bites too hard and the other let out a large squeal. The fun stops and becomes an even harsher lesson when the puppy bites its mother too hard.


If you are wondering how to teach a puppy not to bite you, you came to the right place. this article will guide you based on research findings of renowned dog trainers. You will find tips for puppy biting, and the easiest way to train a dog that bites.


The first step to understanding how to teach a puppy to not bite is to understand why they bite in the first place. Sometimes puppies play roughly and aggressively in their excitement. The last thing you want your puppy doing is to play this way with you or your kids. As puppies play and bite each other, if the bite is too rough, the bitten puppy will let out a sad, loud squeal. normally, the biting tail wagger will cease biting. Sometimes, the bitten puppy will react in aggression, and the biter will probably make a run for it. However, since the biting puppy has been threatened if it bites again, it might redirect its bite if it still wants to bite. Puppy bite inhibition training is necessary as puppies can bite on impulse without thinking when they are stressed out. Although a tiny puppy may not do much damage to a grown-up or a big kid, it would be dangerous to let it go biting small toddlers, as this would cause immediate injury.

What age does a puppy stop biting?


The easiest thing to do is to allow the mother enough time to teach her puppy to stop biting. Researches carried out regarding the age that a puppy stops biting show that 10 weeks is optimal for a puppy to start puppy bite inhibition training. This is because, at this age, the puppy understands communicating with other dogs. The puppy will benefit taking this long in the litter with the mother and other litter mates as its senses of fear have already developed.


Taking a puppy away from this company before this age could agonize it, and it would find a hard time adapting to any new situations you subject it to. Meanwhile, the puppy also needs to be introduced to other things it will socialize within its lifetime, such as cars, cats and so on. This does not mean isolating it, but you will have an easier time if it learns to not bite from fellow young and mature dogs.


Since you want your puppy to behave well with people of all kinds, strangers, kids, you should have it socialize with these before it is 12 years old. A nicely social puppy will grow up into a fantastic companion, while an antisocial dog will bring all sorts of problems so you can spend a lot of time paying attention to it. Before it gets to three months old, let your puppy meet as many people as possible, maybe a hundred. You should invite as many people as possible to your home to give the puppy a chance to socialize since you will probably not go to the dog parks with it.

How do you train a puppy not to be aggressive?


In case you are acquiring a puppy from someone else, get as much info about its previous experiences as possible. A dog that is more socialized with other people and dogs will have fewer problems with aggressive behavior towards others.


If you are wondering how to teach a puppy not to bite you, there is a lot of resources out there like that can provide these answers for a very affordable investment.


Genius Dog 300 x 250 - Animated


You will need to learn from the dogs as well. As aforementioned, dogs warn the puppy when it bites too hard with a loud squeal.


The squeal, in dog language, means “Ouch, you hurt me”. Over repeated squeals, the puppy finally understands that there is a limit to how much pressure it can place on its jaws when biting. You can do this as well by associating a similar sound that the dog will translate as a squeal in dog language. For instance, if you let out a high pitched and loud enough “Ow!” sound every time the puppy bites, it will understand what that means; “Ouch, that hurt me”. once it starts understanding your language, it might back off whenever you let out a, “Ow!” At this point, ensure that you give it some treats to keep it motivated to learn.


This is the reason you need to let a puppy learn from its peers and fellow dogs so it can start to get the picture.

How do you punish a puppy?


Really, puppies are supposed to be cute. However, when there is extensive indiscipline such as ruining your favorite shoes and excessive biting in puppies, it’s time for you to parent that puppy and get it back on course. Discipline is not just for kids, and you should start puppy bite inhibition training and inject some discipline in them along the way. Bad puppy behavior is easily punishable if you have the patience, and this way you will give it important life lessons.


One way to punish the puppy is revoking its play time whenever it bites you as you play. With no exceptions, show her that if they bite, its game over. Rather than yell at the puppy or physically hit her, show her that she gets nothing from biting. Whenever you react, she might think that she needs to bite you to get a response from you. Although it sounds strange, dogs love responses from people, so be careful not to make them want a negative response. If you turn away from the puppy and tuck your hands in your armpits, you show the biting puppy in a calming signal that you won’t give them any attention.


Another great way of showing the puppy not to bite is hand feeding it. You can, for instance, smear peanut butter on your palm and have the puppy lick it. It will enjoy licking it. This will teach the puppy that it can only lick at your hands. However, if the little guy tries to bit off your fingers, withdraw your hand and let it see that it cannot do that. As soon as the puppy has calmed down, resume feeding and eventually, it will learn to be gentle with the hand that feeds it.


How do you train a puppy not to bite?


Besides the danger of puppies biting on people, they pose a risk of ruining your stuff such as shoes and bags by chewing on them. Wondering how to stop a puppy from chewing on things? You can consider these basic dog training tips or try the technique below. This tip works well for both a puppy that bites and a puppy that chews on things.


One effective way to get your puppy to stop biting is to give it alternative items to chew on. Since the puppy understands that biting you is painful and unwelcome, and could lead to you revoking its play time, it will be more thoughtful the next time it tries to bite. However, chewing is still a natural aspect of a puppy, so you want to let it know that it’s okay to do so, but only when done on the right things.


When teaching a puppy to not bite, you need to be patient and take things one step at a time. This means that you will start off by training it not to bite too hard, then gradually help it till it bites only its play toys. As you train your dog to not bite, also keep in mind that you need to give him plenty of treats and encourage him for learning good behavior.


If you go playing and he starts nipping lightly at your fingers or toes, hand them a chewing toy. If they insist on nibbling you, stop the play time immediately and teach them a lesson. Afterward, when they don’t bite, restore play time. Gradually, you will see the fruits of your training and you will have yourself a nice and friendly companion that only bites into treats for being a good boy/girl.


Puppies can grow from cute little bundles of joy to wonderful companions in adulthood if you train them to be social. A social puppy won’t ruin your visitor’s shoes or bite their babies. To train them not to do so, you need a lot of patience and treats. Punish them accordingly as well, and show them the toys that are okay to chew on. In the end, you will have a good behaving companion that everyone will enjoy playing with.



“Should I be nervous about boarding my dog?”

Let’s face it. As a dog owner, it’s inevitable that at some point you will need to take your pooch to a boarding kennel.  The thought of your pooch spending all day with other dogs and possibly catching a bug is enough to create concerns. I’d also be nervous about boarding my dog if I thought about it that way. Boarding kennels can be compared to kids’ daycares. It’s like a daycare for your dog where it gets to spend the days that you can’t be at home with it. Depending on the dog’s personality, some dogs enjoy going to boarding kennels, especially the social ones. Others, especially the antisocial ones, don’t like it. Sort of how some kids love daycare while others start crying the moment they get to the gate. So, what are the situations that would lead you to take your dog to a boarding kennel?

When you’re traveling

Traveling is sometimes a complicated affair for most dog owners especially when they can’t take their dog with them. If you are traveling for a short while, you have the option of placing your dog in a boarding kennel. There’s also the option of having a friend come, and dog sit your pooch which would be the best option. Your friend might, however, have plans of their own and dropping off your dog at their place would inconvenience them. Hiring a professional dog sitter, on the other hand, might turn out to be too expensive because they charge by the hour. This leaves you with boarding as your only option.

When remodeling

Having your dog around when some work is being in your house is not a good idea. Dogs get easily upset when their schedules get disrupted. Some dogs get stressed when they keep seeing new faces and hearing loud, unfamiliar noises. Of course, when you’re remodeling there is going to be banging noises and many faces going in and out of the house. So what do you do to shield your dog from all that commotion? You take them to a boarding kennel. Another option is having your dog stay at a friend’s house, but you wouldn’t want to burden your friend with taking care of your pooch till you finish remodeling.

Kennels & separation anxiety

It’s essential to note that boarding a dog with separation anxiety doesn’t work on all dogs. There’s something about kennels and separation anxiety. The kennel will either alleviate your dog’s separation anxiety or magnify it. It all depends on your dog’s personality, and it gets treated in the boarding facility. To understand this fully, we need to first look at what causes separation anxiety in dogs. Dogs have different triggers for separation anxiety, but a significant schedule change plays a massive role in it. Losing a family member might also cause separation anxiety especially if it was someone who had a close relationship with the dog. Constant close companionship may also cause the dog to develop separation anxiety when the dog owner leaves the house.

How do boarding kennels help with separation anxiety? Most dogs that develop separation anxiety do so because they feel alone or lonely to some degree. It only makes sense then that you find a dog with separation anxiety some companionship. If your dog is the sociable type then taking it to a kennel would help with the separation anxiety. If your dog is not too social then throwing it in a kennel with other strange dogs would only make matters worse. If your dog is antisocial, you will have to condition it, so that it associates separation with a positive outcome such as getting a treat.

Why should you reconsider boarding your dog?

 So far we have only discussed the applicability of boarding kennels in your dog’s life. Now let’s look at the risks that come with boarding your dog.

Contagious diseases – How does a dog get kennel cough?

Boarding your dog involves having it spend the entire time with other dogs whose health history you’re unaware of. With all the highly infectious diseases floating around, you’re justified to worry. One of the most contagious dog diseases is kennel cough. It got its name because it tends to spread rapidly through a kennel or in a place where there are several dogs. How does a dog catch kennel cough, you’re wondering? Kennel cough spreads through the aerosols released by a dog when it coughs. Contaminated items such as food bowls and direct contact are other ways that a dog can get infected.

How do you know if your dog has kennel cough? The primary symptom of kennel cough is a strong and deep honking cough. The cough sounds like your dog is trying to clear its throat. Other symptoms include sneezing, fever, and a runny nose. An infected dog might also develop a low appetite and become lethargic. The best bet to prevent your dog from being infected is to have it vaccinated. If your dog does get infected, you should take it to the vet the moment you notice the symptoms. Treatment varies with the severity of the symptoms but it is mandatory to keep the infected dog quarantined from other dogs to prevent the disease from spreading. Besides kennel cough, your dog can pick other contagious diseases such as rabies, canine parvovirus, canine influenza, canine distemper, and others. Although most of the communicable canine diseases are preventable, they can be fatal to your dog if it gets infected. With such diseases out there, taking your dog to a boarding kennel seems like quite a huge gamble.

Kennel syndrome

Kennel syndrome, also known as “kennelosis,” is the behavior that a dog assumes when it’s in survival mode. It comes about when a dog spends most hours in the kennel. Yes, prolonged kenneling can drive your dog crazy. Kennel syndrome manifests in either extreme aggression or extreme submission. Dogs are highly adaptable animals which has enabled them to survive for thousands of years. A kenneled dog may become aggressive to establish dominance or submissive to try and survive. Boarding facilities differ in how they handle dogs and herein comes the problem. If your pooch is in a boarding facility that kennels them for long, then it stands a chance of developing kennel syndrome.

How do you know if your dog has kennel syndrome? The first telltale sign is a drastic behavioral change. If your dog was a quiet dog and is now suddenly aggressive after boarding, then it probably has kennel syndrome. Other symptoms include jumping and spinning around in the kennel. Some dogs may chew incessantly on the kennel cage or themselves resulting in self-mutilation. Others develop depression-like symptoms like lack of appetite and lethargy. Whenever a dog with kennel syndrome is left alone in the house, they may engage in destructive behavior like scratching and chewing on the furniture. If you have to take your pooch boarding facility, make sure that the facility exercises the dogs and doesn’t cage them for long. If your dog has kennel syndrome, you might need to see a vet and a dog trainer to offer your dog some behavioral training.

Dog Traumatized after boarding

Boarding facilities differ a lot in schedules and dog handling. Taking your dog to a boarding kennel might result in unforeseen behavioral changes depending on how they interact with other dogs and how the kennel staff treats it. However, what exactly makes a dog traumatized after boarding? When you take your dog to a boarding kennel, you’re introducing it to a new environment and new people. Building trust with these people is dependent on how they treat the dog. If your dog is in a boarding kennel that confines dogs to enclosures for long, then the dog might be exposed to immense stress. Mostly, the stress is a result of the dog being kenneled with other strange dogs and the noise from all the dogs’ barking.

Some tell-tale signs can indicate whether your dog is getting traumatized by the boarding kennel. The most common telltale sign is a drastic change in its behavior and personality. If your dog suddenly loses interest in its toys and feeding, then it’s a sign that it might be traumatized or at least stressed. Other symptoms include aggression, pacing, and lethargy. If you notice that your dog has trauma, it’s imperative that you take swift action and take it to the vet. After the assessment, the vet might decide to prescribe some medication or diet regiment. You can ease the dog’s trauma by offering plenty of opportunities to play and keeping it on a routine.

In conclusion

Boarding kennels are not equal. Some kennels may do your dog right by offering it the opportunity to interact with other dogs and make some friends. Other kennels might leave your dog worse than it was when you took it there. Boarding a dog has some serious downsides and should always be the last resort. Getting a pet sitter or letting your dog stay with a friend would be far much better to the dog and you.


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A List Of Kelowna’s Best Dog Friendly Activities & Adventures

Kelowna is known as a haven for dogs and for good reason. With an abundance of off-leash dog parks, combined with a ton of trails and hikes that your dog will enjoy. With so many options, how is an owner to decide what adventure to take with your pet next? We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive list of dog friendly activities and adventures. In addition to our own personal experiences, we consulted local reviewers, Tourism Kelowna, local guides and more to determine the top activities that your dog is sure to love!


Have you ever asked yourself, “where can I go hiking with my dog?” Well this list was created for you!

Angel Springs

A gem amongst Kelowna hikers, your dog will love it. The hike is considered mild and takes pups through a variety of forestry and a running creek. Local groups do a good job of maintaining the trail (even in the winter) to ensure a clean path for you and your pet.

Dog owners will appreciate the interpretive signs with facts about the local ecology and geology.

Get directions by clicking HERE

Bear Creek

The hike has three well-marked loops that all begin at the common trail head. The routes range from a 15-minute loop trail to the 1.4 km Mid Canyon Trail and the longest is the Canyon Rim Trail at 2.5 km (Tourism Kelowna).

You and your pup will witness a great view. You get to see everything, from the highest peaks to down by the creek. Just try not to lose your footing while jumping from rock to rock. The water quickly gains speed. Oh, and bring water. You WILL get thirsty. Reviewers suggest going first left into the forest to begin for beginners, because it gets the steep incline out of the way before fatigue starts to set in.

Crawford Falls/Canyon Falls Park

A difficult trail, you’ll want to make sure your dog is up to the challenge before undertaking this hike. For those strong hikers and their pups, result is well worth the trek! Your pup is sure to love the waterfalls. Be sure to keep an eye out for steep inclines and pack lots of water.

Tourism Kelowna provides the following directions

Look for the trail head and a small pathway that leads to Crawford Falls. To get to the lower falls takes about 20 minutes but is quite difficult. Once there, you will see 20 foot falls. If you continue about 10 more minutes you will see the larger falls (40 feet).

Crawford Falls is located on Bellevue Creek. It can be reached by the following: Gordon Drive to Dehart Road; Dehart Road to Crawford Road; Crawford road to Westridge Drive. Turn on to Canyon Ridge Crescent and finally to Canyon Falls Court, which is a dead end. You will see a Kelowna City Parks trail that you can follow to beautiful waterfalls.

Dilworth Mountain

Dilworth mountain can be seen from almost any location in Kelowna and offers some of the best views of the city (Tourism Kelowna).

From various points along the natural trail, you can see central or downtown Kelowna, the Kelowna Golf and Country Club directly below, and of course Okanagan Lake and mountains in the distance. Plus there’s a small playground for the kids. Explore the trails and see if you can spot Kelowna’s official flower the Arrowleaf Balsamroot along the way ( Dog owners who have reviewed the hike praise its proximity to the city and its ability to allow them to squeeze in a quick 40 minute workout with great views.

Fintry Provincial Park

Your dog is sure to test its endurance with the seemingly never-ending stairs at Fintry Provincial Park. Shorts Creek Gorge is a maintained trail that leads you through a gorge up about 400 stairs to a beautiful series of waterfalls (Tourism Kelowna).

Note: Pets/domestic animals must always be on a leash and are not allowed in beach areas (except for the designated pet beach) or park buildings. You are responsible for their behaviour and must dispose of their excrement. Backcountry areas are not suitable for dogs or other pets due to wildlife issues and the potential for problems with bears (BC Parks).

Kalamoir Park

Kalamoir Park is known to be a great hike full of ups and downs, along with great views and a quiet, peaceful atmosphere. Reviewers rave about: there being a swimming beach as well as a dog beach and a canoe/kayak launch. The facilities are always clean, and the park well maintained. In the spring there are hundreds of flowers blooming along the mountainside making it a must visit!

Knox Mountain

Knox is popular amongst locals due to its flexibility and pet friendly trails. With hikes ranging from easy to difficult and 1-5km in length, there really is a hike no matter the size of your pet.

Apex Trail @ Knox Mountain

Moderate to Difficult; 1 – 5 km

Dogs allowed on leash

Parking is at the bottom of the mountain, at mid point (crown lookout), and at the top. Most trails are accessible from the entrance on Ellis Street. Many of these trails have a steep incline. When you reach the top you will get some amazing views of the City and the valley.

Paul’s Tomb @ Knox Mountain

Easy to Moderate; 3 km (round trip)

Dogs allowed on leash

Paul’s Tomb is a beautiful hike with very little incline and gives you some extraordinary views of the lake. Paul was an Okanagan Pioneer who owned the land at Paul’s Tomb, this is a great area to have a picnic.


Take Ellis Street north all the way to the end to reach the park entrance. Parking is at the bottom of the mountain, at mid point (crown lookout), and at the top. Most trails are accessible from the entrance on Ellis Street. Many of these trails have a steep incline. When you reach the top you will get some amazing views of the City and the valley (Tourism Kelowna)

Kuiper’s Peak Mountain Park

In search of a quick hike for your dog that will provide spectacular views of Kelowna and Okanagan Lake? Then Kuiper’s Peak Mountain Park is the right choice for you. In addition to the exercise your dog will likely meet some new deer friends! Be sure to bundle up as it can get quite windy at times.

Mill Creek Regional Park

A beautiful cool and quiet trail system follows Mill Creek into the falls. Hikers and their dogs will enjoy the park on their daily walk and the ability to enjoy a picnic in the shade of the Black Cottonwood trees by the creek. Most of the trail is very flat and easy, parts are a little rougher with roots and rocky sections. Naturalists can enjoy the wildlife found searching for food and water or hiding in the underbrush (Tourism Kelowna).

Reviewers love that this spot is a hidden gem for their dog that provides an awesome waterfall finish. An excellent place to capture dog photos!

Mission Creek Greenway

The Greenway is perfect for cycling, jogging, running and walking. There are two phases of the trail. The first phase is the most used portion of the trail. While the second phase is great, there are portions of it that are not accessible by bike due to stairs, towards the end of the trail (Tourism Kelowna).

Considered a hidden treasure in the city that is a must-visit for dog owners seeking a leisurely stroll.

Mount Boucherie

Mount Boucherie in West Kelowna offers stunning 360-degree views of the Central Okanagan Valley that you can enjoy with your canine friends, and the drive is only about 15 minutes from downtown.

Don’t forget to bring your camera. There are several areas where you can take a break and enjoy the view, including at the halfway point. Bringing water is also a good idea for you and your furry friends, and there is a dog water dish at the summit for the public to use. (Tourism Kelowna).

Myra Canyon Trestles – Kettle Valley Railway

This highly scenic portion of the Kettle Valley Railway (KVR) runs along a steep-walled canyon. Originally built by hand at the turn of the last century, this impressive landmark is highlighted by 2 tunnels and 18 trestle bridges that are too spectacular for words. You can hike it, or bike it (Tourism Kelowna).

Myra-Bellevue Provincial Park

The Crawford Trails area of Myra-Bellevue Park has over 100 km of trails and is a popular destination for hikers, runners, horse riders and mountain bikers (Tourism Kelowna).

Stephens Coyote Ridge Regional Park

There are several hiking trails and vast wetlands within the park. It is largely untouched by weeds and is pristine habitat for wildlife, including coyotes, as the name suggest, so do use caution (Tourism Kelowna).

Spion Kop Hiking Trails

The trail to the peak of the Spion Kop mountain is a moderate to difficult incline. If you are up for the challenge, follow a pathway through ponderosa pine and bunch grass to spectacular & unique views of the Okanagan Valley (Tourism Kelowna).

Shannon Lake Regional Park

The park is great for a leisurely stroll or an evening walk. The lake is great habitat for waterbirds and turtles that are frequently seen in the park (Tourism Kelowna).

Scenic Canyon Regional Park

Access to Scenic Canyon Regional Park is through Mission Creek Greenway, the fastest way to get to Scenic Canyon would be the Greenway access at Field Road. This park has many great features, including geological formations, cultural sites and rock ovens used by Chinese Labourers (Tourism Kelowna).

Rose Valley Regional Park

Great hiking with excellent locations for naturalist activities such as bird watching. Good viewpoints are at the pond or on the grassland plateau (Tourism Kelowna).

Waterfront Boardwalk

The waterfront area is a beautiful location to go for a short walk and enjoy the scenery of Okanagan Lake. The trail connects to the Rotary Marshes wildlife park where it is not uncommon to see a heron, beavers, or eagles flying over (Tourism Kelowna).

Dog Friendly Wineries

Ancient Hill Estate Winery

This dog friendly boutique winery is in the beautiful, rural, Ellison area of North Kelowna. Located directly across from the Kelowna Airport, on land originally planted to grapes more than 60 years ago.

They specialize in small lots of tasty wines. The wines are made entirely from grapes grown in our own vineyard and processed on-site in our European style winery.

Old-world charm. Travel along the scenic backroads of farmland and horse ranches to arrive at this new and enchanting European-style winery. Once here, you’ll be welcomed into a nouveau-rustic tasting room where wood is king and the wine noble – made entirely from grapes grown on the estate’s vineyard (Tourism Kelowna).

Arrowleaf Cellars

Arrowleaf Cellars is a boutique winery owned and operated by the Zuppigers, a Swiss-Canadian family. In the late nineties, with two decades of farming experience in both fruit growing and dairy operations, the Zuppigers made a career shift. In 1997 they moved to Suncrest Vineyard with the goal of starting a land-based winery. Winemaker Manuel Zuppiger completed his studies in Switzerland and returned with a keen interest to make quality wines in the fledgling Okanagan wine region.

Picnic Paradise. Nestled on a hillside with vineyards sloping down to the lake, family-owned Arrowleaf Cellars crafts award-winning wines from this grape-laden landscape. After your tasting, enjoy the great view while sharing your picnic lunch with friends or family and a glass of your favourite Arrowleaf wine. Does it get any better (Tourism Kelowna)?

Beaumont Family Estate Winery

This family estate winery has been growing 100% certified organic grapes since 1995. We now have releases of subtle finesse and balanced wines. Ingenuity, innovation, and modern winemaking techniques, along with flavourful grapes, mean a bright future for this new and exciting farm-gate winery. Come and enjoy the views, taste some delicious wines, hear the music and savour the experience of Beaumont (Tourism Kelowna)!

CedarCreek Estate Winery

Nestled amongst lush vineyards and panoramic lake views, CedarCreek Estate Winery is one of Kelowna’s oldest wineries. Purchased in 1986, CedarCreek released its first wines in 1987 and was one of the first eight pioneering wineries of BC. With four generations of agricultural heritage and more than three decades of experience, we have pursued perfection and produced some of the Okanagan valley’s best wines resulting in CedarCreek being twice recognized as “Canada’s Winery of the Year”. Today, we look proudly towards the future to further promote our region.

Gray Monk Estate Winery

Perched above Okanagan Lake with stunning panoramic views of mountains, vineyards and the lake, Gray Monk Estate Winery offers guests a true taste, or sip, of the Okanagan lifestyle. With a bustling wine boutique, a full service banquet facility and a world-class restaurant, the winery is equipped to host guests for all occasions (Tourism Kelowna).

House of Rose Winery

Feels just like home – Enjoy a true farm gate wine tasting experience in the rustic charm of an authentic grape picker’s cabin. Feel free to wander the beautiful orchards and vineyards or relax at the picnic area while sharing wine and cheese. Children are welcome as well – they’ll feel right at home (Tourism Kelowna).

Intrigue Wines

Some people like to know where the wine comes from. Others like to know who made it or how it will change with time. The foodies want to know what flavours they will find in their glass and how it will pair with a certain dish.

We’re all intrigued about wine. It’s constantly changing and evolving. That is part of the excitement and allure of winemaking (Tourism Kelowna).

You’ll love the wine and your dog will enjoy the pet friendly atmosphere!

Kalala Organic Estate Winery

Small winery – big awards. The Okanagan’s newest organic winery exhibits great taste. Hand-picked grapes and handcrafted wines have taken Kalala very quickly into the international winner’s circle. Their first-ever vintage of Chardonnay icewine was awarded gold at the prestigious 2010 Chardonnay du Monde competition in France (Tourism Kelowna).

Quails’ Gate Winery

Spoil your senses. Make sure to visit one of Canada’s culinary gems – Quails’ Gate Winery and Old Vines Restaurant. It is the meeting place for fresh, local ingredients, paired with the fruit-forward wines of Quails’ Gate. Enjoy the spectacular vineyard views while savouring flavours of the Okanagan (Tourism Kelowna).

Rollingdale Winery

Rollingdale Winery is a small farm gate winery located in Lakeview Heights, in West Kelowna. 100% family owned and operated. The focus is on producing fine wines using only premium grapes made from the most conscientiously cultivated vines they can find.

The wine shop is open every day. The picnic area is now open where you can bring a lunch and enjoy wine by the glass. Bookings are recommended for larger groups.

SpearHead Winery

SpierHead Winery and Vineyard is situated along Spiers Road on the benchlands of south east Kelowna, one of the newest wine regions in the Okanagan Valley and part of the East Kelowna Fab Five Wine Trail (Tourism Kelowna).

St. Hubertus & Oak Bay Estate Winery

Stroll through the vineyard. Try identifying varieties as you wander the lakeview vineyard. Originally planted in 1928, sections of the vineyard, along with the winery, burned to the ground in a 2003 wildfire. But dedicated owners Andy and Leo replanted and rebuilt. Come enjoy the winery’s relaxed hospitality and terroir-influenced wines (Tourism Kelowna).

Tantalus Vineyards

Spectacular lake views, an historic old vineyard and our new state-of-the-art LEED Certified winery make visiting Tantalus a one-of-a-kind experience. Enjoy premium quality, single-vineyard wines in a stunning gallery-style tasting room, surrounded by works of art from some of Canada’s most highly acclaimed artists (Tourism Kelowna).

the hatch

‘the hatch’ is a tasting emporium, an emporium the likes not seen before here in The Okanagan. But on a meta-level, ‘the hatch’ is the culmination of dreams had by a group of eccentric grapeophiles who have lived and learned the way of the vine for countless years.

That answers the ‘what’, but also asked is the ‘why’. Why ‘the hatch’? Because the time is long overdue for something like this to enter your life, and more-so; to make your life that much better. Now it’s time to shut-up and go drink some wine (Tourism Kelowna).

The View Winery

Set in a vintage 1922 apple packing house, The View Winery offers an authentic Okanagan experience. Featuring aromatic fresh, crisp whites, fruit-forward, spicy reds and handcrafted apple ciders. Nestled amid rolling orchards and vines, minutes from downtown Kelowna. Look for the Red Shoe (Tourism Kelowna)!

Volcanic Hills Estate Winery

60 million years to perfect. The beauty of being situated at the foot of a once active volcano lies in the dirt – pure gold for growing grapes. This new winery is already winning medals for wines that are erupting with flavour! When visiting the spacious wine shop, sign the List of Events so you don’t miss their new releases, promotions and events (Tourism Kelowna).

Dog Friendly Places To Eat In Kelowna

Looking to grab a quick bite to eat in downtown Kelowna but don’t want to leave your furry best friend at home? Don’t worry, we’ve compiled a list of well-known food options that allow dogs. Some of our favourites include:

Parks by area in Kelowna


Before we deep dive into the off-leash dog parks available to pups and their owners it is crucial that all owners understand the rules and responsibilities outlined by the City of Kelowna.

Rules and responsibilities

  • Owners/handlers must pick-up after their dog(s). If they poop, you must scoop!
  • Leashes must not be longer than two m (six ft.).
  • Handlers must have possession of the dog leash at all times.
  • Maximum of two dogs per handler.
  • Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by the dog(s) under their control.
  • Handlers must ensure their dogs don’t bother other park users.
  • Dogs on leash must stay at least 10 m. (30 ft.) away from playgrounds.

Off-leash dog park specific:

  • Owners/handlers must pick-up after their dogs. If they poop, you must scoop!
  • Users of the facility do so at their own risk. The City shall not be liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the off-leash area.
  • The off-leash dog area is for dogs, their handlers and those accompanying them. No other use is allowed.
  • Dogs must be under control of their handler and in view of their handler at all times.
  • Dogs must be removed from the off-leash dog area at the first sign of aggression.
  • All dogs must be legally licensed and shall wear a visible dog license.
  • All dogs should be currently vaccinated.
  • No animals other than dogs shall be permitted in the area.
  • No dogs under four months of age.
  • No female dogs in heat.
  • Handlers must be 15 years of age or older.
  • Children age 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult in the off-leash dog area.
  • Dogs must be on a leash when entering and exiting the off-leash dog area.

– Cedar Creek Park @ 5200 Lakeshore Rd

Located on Lakeshore Road, near one of Kelowna’s long and narrow pebble beaches this dog friendly area provides owners with a nice walk on the trail along the lake. Well maintained, dogs will love playing fetch and going for a swim!

Get directions by clicking HERE

– Duggan Park @ 1494 Bernard Ave

Centrally located on Bernard Avenue, this on-leash and off-leash park provides downtown residents a wide-open space for your furry best friend to get its exercise in for the day. With a playground also on location it’s a great option for those with young children.

Get directions by clicking HERE

– Ellison Dog Park @ 4720 Old Vernon Rd

A huge area (7.02 ha) located just off of the 97 highway near the airport, Ellison Dog Park includes trails that your dog will love! Great for dog owners that don’t quite have the time to undertake a full hike. There are lots of little trails and a separate play area. The park is typically quiet making for a nice evening stroll.

Get directions by clicking HERE

– Enterprise Park @ 2500 Enterprise Way

Located between the BMW dealership and Shaw Cable around Enterprise, Leckie and Hunter court. A small (0.45 ha) enclosure with a place for your dog to swim and get a drink on that hot summer day. The terrain is completely flat. Mill creek is nearby and there are some trails and bridges in the area to do some exploring (on-leash only). Local reviewers have mentioned that there is potential for your dog to get bad burrs if they stray near the creek.

Get directions by clicking HERE

– Knox Mountain Park @ 450 Knox Mountain Dr

(Likely) Kelowna’s most well-known trail. It provides dogs and their owners with great flexibility due to its numerous trails ranging in difficulty. Along the way you’ll find lots of grassy areas with tall trees to cool off in the shade and tons of opportunities for photographs. For those owners only interested in spectacular city views can drive with their dog all the way to the top.

For more information on Knox Mountain Park, visit their official website.

Get directions by clicking HERE

– Mission Recreation Park @ 4105 Gordon Dr

A long trail that connects to others, a great sport for your dog to meet other animals including ducks, otters, horses and eagles. If you walk by during the summer, your dog might just be able to snag a homerun ball that clears the fence at the nearby softball diamonds.

Get directions by clicking HERE

– North Glenmore Dog Park @ 2150 Glenmore Rd N

This dog park comes pawsitively reviewed by its frequenters. It is beloved for its open, spacious landscape and water fountain great for combating the hot summers in the Okanagan.

Get directions by clicking HERE


Black Mountain: 

– Bella Vista Park @ 2342 Loseth Rd
– Birkdale Park @ 363 Prestwick St
– Gallagher Community Park @ 1755 Gallagher Rd
– Gopher Creek Linear Park @ 1723 Lynrick Rd
– Lund Park @ 1250 Lund Rd
– Stockley Open Space @ 1035 Stockley St


– Anchor Park @ 1691 Ellis St
– Cameron Park @ 2345 Richter St

A favorite park amongst locals. Clean, open space make it a go-to place for those with dogs and children. The trees make for useful shade on those hot summer days.

– City Hall @ 1435 Water St
– City Park @ 1600 Abbott St

Highly reviewed and popular amongst locals and tourists alike. Your dog will run into a ton of friends here along your lakefront walk. The pathway is well-maintained, accessible by bike and a large lawn if you wish to sit down and have a peaceful picnic. Let your pup cool off with a swim in the lake on those hot summer days.

– Davie Park @ 300 Davie Rd
A beautiful park adorned with trees, annual and perennial flowers. On hot summer days you can find a perfect combination of areas for sun exposure and shade under the deciduous and evergreen trees. Want to bring the kids? There is a playground for children and benches for you to sit back, observe, and relax.
– Duggan Park @ 1494 Bernard Ave

With a great dog park section for little dogs, this is a popular spot for those living downtown. The community playground provides plenty of opportunity for your doggo to be interested to tons of young children.

– Enterprise Way Park @ 2500 Enterprise Way
– Kerry Park @ 1480 Mill St
– Knowles Park @ 865 Bernard Ave
– Knox Mountain Park @ 540 Broadway Ave
– Leckie Place @ 2135 Leckie Pl (Brents Mill Site)
– Millbridge Park @ 1999 Bowes St
– Pacific Court Park @ 1955 Pacific Crt
– Parkinson Recreation Park @ 1800 Parkinson Way
– Stuart Park @ 1420 Water St
– Sunset Drive Park @ 1055 Sunset Dr
– Sutherland Park @ 700 Ellis St
– Waterfront Park @ 1200 Water St

Glenmore, Dilworth and Clifton Areas: 

– Begbie Park @ 1410 Union Rd
– Blair Pond Park @ 333 Clifton Rd S
– Brants Creek Linear Park @ Glenmore Valley
– Calmels Park @1059 Calmels Cres
– Cross Glen Park @ 207 Biggar Rd
– Eagle View Trail @ 2105 Glenmore Rd
– Dilworth Mountain Park and Trails @ 2100 Chilcotin Ct
– Hidden Lake Park @ 1188 Long Ridge Dr
– Jack Robertson Park @ 1655 Willow Cres
– Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery @ 1991 Bernard Ave
– Matera Glen Park @ 250 Glen Park Dr
– Mill Creek Linear Park @ Various Access Points
– Millard Glen Park @ 1840 Millard Court W
– Newport Glen Park @ 130 Applebrooke Cres
– North Glenmore Park @ 2150 Glenmore Rd N
– Redlich Park @ 1646 Gillard Dr
– Selkirk Park @ 2500 Selkirk Dr
– Still Pond Park @ 550 Still Pond Pl
– Sutton Glen Park @ 464 Sutton Cres
– Terrace Hill Park @ 180 Terrace Hill Pl
– Valley Glen Wetland @ 530 Valley Rd
– Whitman Glen Park @ 308 Whitman Rd
– Wyndham Park @ 131 Wyndham Crt

North Mission and Crawford Area: 

– Bellevue Creek Greenway @ 4918 Silver Stag Crt
– Belmont Park @ 4444 Belmont Rd
– Canyon Falls Park @ 1856 Canyon Falls Crt
– Crawford Multi-Use Court @ 4770 Stewart Rd W
– Dehart Park @ 687 Dehart Rd
– Mission Recreation Park @ 3975 Gordon Dr
– Mission Ridge Park @ End of Bullock Rd
– Ponds Community Park @ 1213 Frost Rd
– Surtees Property @ 4629 Lakeshore Rd
– Thomson Creek Linear Park @ 4105 Gordon Dr
– Wilson Creek Linear Creek @ 4186 Lakeshore Rd


– Ben Lee Park @ 900 Houghton Rd
– Chichester Wetland Park @ 250 Sumac Rd W
– Gerstmar Park @ 955 Gerstmar Rd
– Harris Park @ 280 Sumac Rd W
– Mission Creek Regional Park @ 2345 Springfield Rd
– Moraine Park @ 700 Moraine Crt
– Mugford Park @ 425 Stetson St
– Roxby Centennial Park @ 250 Hwy 33 W
– Rutland Bluff Linear Park @ 180 Froelich Rd
– Rutland Centennial Park @ 180 Rutland Rd
– Rutland Lions Park @ 205 Gray Rd
– Rutland Recreation Park @ 425 Hartman Rd

South Pandosy and KLO Area: 

– Fascieux Creek Park @ Richter St and Casorso Rd
– Mission Creek Greenway @ Lakeshore/Truswell to Ziprick Rd
– Wastewater Treatment Plant @ 951 Raymer Ave

South East Kelowna: 

– Fairhall Park @ 2448 Fairhall Rd
– Havard Rd Linear Park @ 4538 Gaspardone Rd
– KLO Creek Regional Park @3730 Field Rd
– Priest Creek Linear Park @ 315 Balldock Rd
– Scenic Canyon Regional Park @ 3801 Field Rd
– South Kelowna Centennial Park @ 4194 Spiers Rd
– Summerside Park @ 3858 Summerside Dr
– Tulameen Park @ 347 Quilchena Dr

South West Mission Area: 

– Cascia Linear Park @ 430 Cascia Dr
– Jewel Park @ 327 Providence Ave
– Main Street Park (Kettle Valley) @ 411 Providence Ave
– McCarren Park @ 347 McCarren Ave
– Mountainside Park @ 5437 Chute Lake Rd
– Powerline Linear Park @ 5056 Windsong Cres
– Providence Park @ 352 McCarren Ave
– Quarry Park @ 640 Southridge Dr
– Quilchena Park @ 347 Quilchena Dr
– Southwest Mission Powerline Park @ All Sections
– Southridge Open Space @ 5210 Southridge Dr
– Southridge Park @ 5045 Southridge Dr
– Winslow Park @ 5386 Winslow St

Quail and North End Areas: 

– Carney Park @ 1890 Capistrano Dr
– Ellison Centennial Park @ 4720 Old Vernon Rd
– Quail Ridge Linear Park @ 2985 Quail Cres


And there you have it! Over 5000 words later we’ve finally reached the end of the extensive list of dog friendly activities in Kelowna.

Did we miss any spots? Contact the team at Tail Waggers Kelowna to have your pup’s favorite spot added!